Celebrate good times...or not

Canada loves hockey.

Okay, that actually might be a bit of an understatement.

Hockey is to Canada what football is to America.

That might be a better analogy.

Of course, American football is not in the Olympics. But hockey is.

Last night, the Canadian women's ice hockey team beat the United States, 2-0 to win the gold medal at the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver.

So the Canadian women won the gold medal in what serves as the national pasttime of the country.

They went up on the podium, accepted their medals and smiled and waved to the crowd.

They went into the locker room.

And then, about a half hour later, they came back out (after the crowd had left!) and took some pictures on the ice. Full slideshow here:

As Col. Kurtz said, "The horror … the horror."

Okay, not really.

The building was empty except for media and arena staff.

Yes, there was underage drinking going on, since 18 year old phenom Marie-Philip Poulin won't be considered legal in B.C. until next month.

So, yes, she was a minor drinking. Like that's never happened in a celebratory locker room before.

The IOC is determined to investigate this horrific crime against all things good and decent.

Please. Simmer down, IOC.

Would the IOC have rather this occurred in the locker room with the door closed?

Or is the IOC upset that women in a western nation acted like men in celebrating a hard earned victory over a rival (and really, their only close competitor in this sport, but that's another issue).

Let me tell you this: if this was the Canadian men acting like this, I wouldn't expect to hear a peep out of the IOC.

Here's what should happen to the Canadian women's ice hockey team:

Not a damn thing.

Because if the IOC decides that they need to punish these athletes for a celebration, well, I'll let the duck explain:


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