What I learned from the Tiger Woods Event Today

1) That Tiger is a buddhist.
2) That I am a bad person. As soon as he mentioned being a buddhist, my brain immediately started to try and formulate a Caddyshack-esque joke about Tiger and the Dalai Lama playing golf. "Hey, Lama!"
3) It wasn't Elin's fault that Tiger slept with all those women. Um, I don't think anyone blamed her in the first place.
4) "The media" should not stalk his wife and kids because of his infidelity and transgressions. Well, I think that this was a given. Also, we do need to stop treating the media as if it is some monolithic entity. I doubt that golf writers or any sports folks were stalking Elin and the kids. Now TMZ and the other tabloid whores on the other hand....
5) I understand giving a statement. As a MrFowler1282 on Twitter put it: "Tiger had to have a written statement because he had a lot to address. This is not a situation where you can just go out and wing it."
6) He plans to return to golf, but he doesn't know when. He will go back to rehab soon and he'll come back (maybe) later this year.
7) Now that that's over and done with, hopefully I won't hear about Tiger again until he comes back to play.


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