Someone in the NBA offices in New York must have been bored

With a lockout impending, it's good to see that the NBA front office is addressing the issues that are critical to on-court performance.

No, they're not looking at hiring better officials.

Apparently, they are too focused on Caron Butler's straw chewing habit.

The NBA has ordered Butler, now with the Dallas Mavericks, to stop chewing on straws during games.

I wish this was a joke. Or an Onion headline.

Sadly, it appears to be the real deal.

I am just baffled as to why this is a big deal.

It's not like he has a bong out (as former Maverick Josh Howard might have done if allowed).

Butler says that chewing the straws helps calm him down. I also remember a profile of him a couple of years ago that made reference to the fact that they had to be McDonald's straws—and that he could tell the difference between McDonald's and other fast food straws with his eyes closed.

It's a bit of a bad habit, to be sure, but to tell him he can't do it seems petty and unnecessary.


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